Friday, February 28, 2014

Internet users who have desires to produce and publish their own private Internet page have to become educated about some important strategies that will help make it profitable and attractive to public audiences. In many cases, people have never designed a web site before and lack of the experience that it takes to produce a good web page that will be recognised and generate a source of income. With a little bit of knowledge and education a first time web page designer will be able to create Internet sites that will help make them a lot of money.

Probably one of the simplest kinds of Internet pages to produce is called a blog, which pretty much shares topical information with Internet users. Blogs have become very popular throughout the last few years and the number of blogs that are published on the Internet each year continues to increase at a very fast rate of speed. There are many things that blog owners have to consider if they want to be successful both financially and socially.

The primary objective of all blog producers should be to decide precisely how to build up the number of Internet guest traffic to the actual Internet site. One of the best ways of increasing traffic flow is through the effective use of search engines, which publish and advertise the most popular web sites on the Internet. In order to get a search engine to put your particular web site near the top of a visitor's search, there are a couple of things that should be done.

The most important part for Internet page producers to remember is the quality of the web page 's content and what is published on it. The quality and effectiveness of a website's content will determine if the online business is recognized by large search engines and therefore increase its amount of traffic flow. There are a few techniques that web site designers can use to increase their popularity to both search engines and Internet users.Internet users should also remember that the type of text on an Internet page is very important.

If you want your blog to be promoted by search engines, web page writers should use certain key words that visitors use to search the Internet. The titles and subtitles of the blog posts should also be carefully written so that it will have a higher chance of being promoted by search engines.With each web page post that you produce on the Internet, it has to be fairly long and contain at least two hundred words. This allows search engines to pick up more of the keywords that Internet users will be looking for and will then link to your specific blog site. If your blog posts are too short, then there will not be enough information for the search engines to share with other people.

An additional and other crucial method that you can follow in order to get all you can out of your blog post is to attract the visitor 's attention with your writing and also to give room for comments and debate. Provide your readers with articles that will make them want to say something and respond on your blog. The more responses and comments that are published on your blog the more popular it will become and more people will want to visit it.

Also, to generate some cashflow maybe think about features you could ad such Google Adsense, or maybe incorparate links to products through Clickbank or any other affiliate program into your blog. All these things help so be sure to give them a try.Thankyou for your time and good luck in your blogging!!!

Now, there are several approaches you can consider to try to make money online. Sometimes it can get confusing as to which approach to pick first. The truth is that you can make good money online using a variety of different approaches from using affiliate marketing, adsense, eBay or creating your own product or service and marketing that. Here are some tips to help you succeed on your journey to making more money from the internet.

1.Set Proper Goals:
This is a very important step and it is one that very few new internet marketers actually do. Most people jump onto the internet desperate to make money without realizing that they will face many challenges along the way. Setting proper goals will help to keep you focused and on track no matter what challenges you face along the way.

The first step is to decide your real reasons as to why you want to earn income online. Maybe you just want a little extra income to pay off a car payment. Perhaps you are more ambitious and are sick and tired of working at a job and want more freedom. Take your time and get in touch with the deepest reasons why you want the money. This will be the fuel that will keep you going even in darkest of times.

Once you have clear powerful reasons you must write these down on a piece of paper. There is great power in writing things down and something almost magical happens that makes the accomplishment of what you write down a thousand times more likely than if you just chose to try to remember it instead.

Next you need to decide on how much you want to earn 6 months, 1 year and 2 years from now. You must give yourself time to accomplish your goals so be patient. Also be realistic in the amounts you choose so a good example could be $500 a month 6 months from now and then $2000 a month 1 year from now and $5000 a month 2 years down the road. Do not look for overnight get rich quick schemes. Again you must write these income targets down ideally on the same paper that has the reasons also.

Now you need to review these reasons and income targets at least once a day. It does not need to take much time, simply glance at it and remind yourself of where you are going financially and believe it. You can even carry this paper with you so it almost becomes a part of you. Reviewing these things regularly will keep your mind focused and it will also activate the part of your brain called the reticular activating system that will work for you day and night to automatically find ways to make these things a reality. Just by creating and following through on proper goals like this you are already 90 percent of the way to success.

2.Pick A Proven Strategy:

The best way to select a proven strategy is simply to use common sense. Do not fall for get rich quick schemes because they are usually a waste of time. Some proven strategies to investigate and learn more about could be affiliate marketing, adsense, eBay marketing or if you have an idea for a product or service you could do that too.

Some proven ways to market and get visitors to your site are pay per click advertising, article marketing and also learn about ethical search engine optimization so you can also get free traffic to your site from the search engines. Each of these areas will require further investigation on your part so read as many free articles as you can about them as many of these articles are written by top internet marketing professionals. Visit an article directory like Ezinearticles and read their articles on internet marketing as they can offer great free advice.

3.Stick With It:

Anything worthwhile in life will require a commitment on your part and you will more than likely experience many obstacles along the way. At the start it is best to pick one proven method like affiliate marketing and stick with that. Learn all you can about it and become a real expert at it. That is how you will gain the specialized knowledge you need to become a super affiliate. Do not jump from one method to the next like going from affiliate marketing to eBay marketing just because things seem a little tough. Stick with it and in time you will discover a way succeed and make more money online.
Once again, i hope this helps and good luck with your blogging!

One very important aspect of any Internet endeavor - regardless of whether it is an email promotion, or website, advertising campaign, putting products to sell online, or a blog, is to be able to measure the success of the venture. After all, without proper measurement, one cannot determine if the venture has been successful or not and to decide if there is a need to invest more effort and resources.

Using the correct measurement is also critical because there are a couple of measures which worked in the past, but as Internet technology has evolved over the past few years, some of these measures are becoming less significant.

Here are three ways you can use to measure the success of your blog.

CommentsBlogs are all about creating conversations! Comments measure the quality of the post in terms of the ability to create conversation. The number of comments you get for every post that you make on your blog is the first good measure of success of your blog. However, in doing this, it is valuable to not that the number of comments is tagged with how controversial your blog topic is. Normally, blog posts that touch on very popular and controversial topics should garner more comments.

That said, it would be unfair to measure the number of comments day by day. Measurement in terms of blog comments should be done probably best by the month. If your comments have been increasing in number, you are doing a good job in writing and promoting your blog!

Readers of Your Feed
People subscribe to your feed only if they find the contents of your blog interesting and when they see the value in receiving the latest updates to your blog. Using popular feed management tools like Feedburner, the blogger is able to track how many subscriptions there are to your feed.

Again feed readership will fluctuate, and subscription to your feed does not necessarily mean that people are reading your feed, so it is important to use this measure alongside other measures.

Unique Visitors
One of the better ways to measure the success of a blog is the number of unique visitors coming in to your blog. In this, I emphasise unique, because if you are a fan of your own blog, editing and posting on your blog all day and night, it would be easy to contribute significantly to your own page views, especially on days you spent tweaking your blog template.

In using unique visitors, it is also valuable to note that there will be traffic spikes - like at times when your blog post gets Digged, or someone notices your post and email the link to your post to his or her mailing list of a million people.

In conclusion, measuring the success of any Internet venture is critical. While there are multitudes of ways in which one can measure success, it is important to use the ones that work well for the current practices in Internet trends.

Once again, hope this helped and good luck with your blogging!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Sunday, February 16, 2014


                Freedom Fighter

                                                                               -TeenWayne(Prashant kc)

   My mom passed away, the properties she had went to the name of my step-father. He took me out of the high school. I was at  tenth grade at my high school. He made me like a servant. It was unbelieveable I was servant at my own house. I couldn’t tolerate it at all, I had been given a small room, it was pretty dark and it only contained only one small bed. There were no windows at all and only one way out through door.
    I always used to weep tears away sitting there. I had no one expect my mom in this world but she also left me but left a friend for me. His name is Mr. lonely and is always with me. I had several attempts to run out of there but never became successful. My step-father was a retired cop; he had a pistol and a police baton with him. When I didn’t follow his saying then he used to beat me with wimp and baton.  My father was 42 yrs old, he was going to get married. I thought for a while that if my step-father hates me this much then how will my step-mother will behave against me. So, I tied a rope in my room’s ceiling and tried to commit suicide.
   Meanwhile my father arrived infront of my door. He knocked the door for several times nut I didn’t opened the room. He broke the door and took me outside and hitted me with a thick stick and broke my hand. He took me to the hospital and I was taken through a treatment. I was in big pain. After a few weeks he got married. As I expected my step-mother also used to dominate me. I wished to had my own loving mother in every birth I take. One night while I was sleeping , I heard someone opening my door, I opened my eyes and saw that father was coming with a knife in his hand. that moment I kicked him at his face then ran away from there saying “you’ll pay for this”. I went  to the forest then heard some sound of boots. I felt like some armies were traning in the forest.
   I found that a man was leading them all, I talked with him. He was the commander of them, they were freedom fighters. I told him all about my problems. He told “I’ll get freedom for you”. He gave me a rifle and told “this is the way to freedom my boy”. I was in need of help so I grabbed it immediately and started journey with then and I was somewhat satisfied. After a month we went to my house but found that it was already been sold and I had no other information.

                                                       7 years later
     Well I was 22 yrs old now, I had been promoted to the post of incharge as my birthday gift. For and adventurous birthday celebration, we had a mission to deal. We were freedom fighters so our aim was to take all money from the rich and give it to the poor. And today we had to attack a millionaire. We surrounded his house from all sides. We were about 60 men at total. We took the security guards and I along with 4 of my friends went inside that house. It was a big house and hard to locate the owner. We all scattered and searched for that bastard. I went upstairs and heard some people gossiping inside a room. I loaded me gun then kicked the door and open fired bullet inside the room. I was shocked, I found they were my step-parents. Afterwards a smile came to my face…
   The house was quite big such that it could adjust more than 200 people. So, we established a base there and every week we used to go to villages and helped the poor by giving some money.
                                                  6 months later
  Life was going well, when suddenly one day at mid night we were attacked. War broke upon us, we were not prepared and we were undefeated but many of us were killed because we were undefended. Bullets were flying all over. They were armies, they had found our base. So, from there I with the leaders fled to the nearest helipad. We were about 11 people and hurried to a helicopter. Our main base was 1 mile away from there but unfortunately on the way our helicopter got hit by a missile. Our helicopter crashed in the land below.
    Ahh! It was painful. I was badly wounded and I don’t know what happened after the crash of helicopter. I was in a room; there was a light above my head. I could see some people who were dressed in army uniform. One of them told “he opened his eyes”. One beat me with a gun and told me to tell about our mission and where is our main base. I didn’t tell anything to them. They hit me hard, it was a lot painful. I told them “your hands will be tired by hitting me but I will not tell anything”. They told me that they would wait till morning for my reply and if I won’t tell anything to them about us they’ll kill me. I knew that they are going to kill me if I tell them or not so I didn’t wanted to tell them anything. They took me to a jail and kept me there.
    It is morning, I begin to write, I think this is my last day on earth, I wished this never happened. I would never have born as a human being. Even if I had borned, after I die I wish to never get another birth as a human being on earth. If I get a life again I would love to get birth from my own loving mother. I can hear some people walking and coming towards me. I know they are here to take me. They are going to kill me or not? I won’t be able to write from now onwards. They are here. They are here.  Good bye cruel world……
                                                                                                   THE END