Sunday, February 16, 2014


                Freedom Fighter

                                                                               -TeenWayne(Prashant kc)

   My mom passed away, the properties she had went to the name of my step-father. He took me out of the high school. I was at  tenth grade at my high school. He made me like a servant. It was unbelieveable I was servant at my own house. I couldn’t tolerate it at all, I had been given a small room, it was pretty dark and it only contained only one small bed. There were no windows at all and only one way out through door.
    I always used to weep tears away sitting there. I had no one expect my mom in this world but she also left me but left a friend for me. His name is Mr. lonely and is always with me. I had several attempts to run out of there but never became successful. My step-father was a retired cop; he had a pistol and a police baton with him. When I didn’t follow his saying then he used to beat me with wimp and baton.  My father was 42 yrs old, he was going to get married. I thought for a while that if my step-father hates me this much then how will my step-mother will behave against me. So, I tied a rope in my room’s ceiling and tried to commit suicide.
   Meanwhile my father arrived infront of my door. He knocked the door for several times nut I didn’t opened the room. He broke the door and took me outside and hitted me with a thick stick and broke my hand. He took me to the hospital and I was taken through a treatment. I was in big pain. After a few weeks he got married. As I expected my step-mother also used to dominate me. I wished to had my own loving mother in every birth I take. One night while I was sleeping , I heard someone opening my door, I opened my eyes and saw that father was coming with a knife in his hand. that moment I kicked him at his face then ran away from there saying “you’ll pay for this”. I went  to the forest then heard some sound of boots. I felt like some armies were traning in the forest.
   I found that a man was leading them all, I talked with him. He was the commander of them, they were freedom fighters. I told him all about my problems. He told “I’ll get freedom for you”. He gave me a rifle and told “this is the way to freedom my boy”. I was in need of help so I grabbed it immediately and started journey with then and I was somewhat satisfied. After a month we went to my house but found that it was already been sold and I had no other information.

                                                       7 years later
     Well I was 22 yrs old now, I had been promoted to the post of incharge as my birthday gift. For and adventurous birthday celebration, we had a mission to deal. We were freedom fighters so our aim was to take all money from the rich and give it to the poor. And today we had to attack a millionaire. We surrounded his house from all sides. We were about 60 men at total. We took the security guards and I along with 4 of my friends went inside that house. It was a big house and hard to locate the owner. We all scattered and searched for that bastard. I went upstairs and heard some people gossiping inside a room. I loaded me gun then kicked the door and open fired bullet inside the room. I was shocked, I found they were my step-parents. Afterwards a smile came to my face…
   The house was quite big such that it could adjust more than 200 people. So, we established a base there and every week we used to go to villages and helped the poor by giving some money.
                                                  6 months later
  Life was going well, when suddenly one day at mid night we were attacked. War broke upon us, we were not prepared and we were undefeated but many of us were killed because we were undefended. Bullets were flying all over. They were armies, they had found our base. So, from there I with the leaders fled to the nearest helipad. We were about 11 people and hurried to a helicopter. Our main base was 1 mile away from there but unfortunately on the way our helicopter got hit by a missile. Our helicopter crashed in the land below.
    Ahh! It was painful. I was badly wounded and I don’t know what happened after the crash of helicopter. I was in a room; there was a light above my head. I could see some people who were dressed in army uniform. One of them told “he opened his eyes”. One beat me with a gun and told me to tell about our mission and where is our main base. I didn’t tell anything to them. They hit me hard, it was a lot painful. I told them “your hands will be tired by hitting me but I will not tell anything”. They told me that they would wait till morning for my reply and if I won’t tell anything to them about us they’ll kill me. I knew that they are going to kill me if I tell them or not so I didn’t wanted to tell them anything. They took me to a jail and kept me there.
    It is morning, I begin to write, I think this is my last day on earth, I wished this never happened. I would never have born as a human being. Even if I had borned, after I die I wish to never get another birth as a human being on earth. If I get a life again I would love to get birth from my own loving mother. I can hear some people walking and coming towards me. I know they are here to take me. They are going to kill me or not? I won’t be able to write from now onwards. They are here. They are here.  Good bye cruel world……
                                                                                                   THE END


  1. Biccha ma aru stories thap!
    And more suspense too, ANyways kudo's bow :D

    1. Ok I will and help me to promote this blog just do share on FB!! :)
